Super Bowl Sunday

As everyone knows, it is difficult to meet calorie and nutrition goals when there is a party.  Super Bowl Sunday is one of the largest parties in the United States.  The average American consumes 2400 calories just during the 4 hour game, usually from eating nachos, wings, and beer.  Here are a few tips for eating on Sunday.

Bring and eat a fruit and vegetable tray.  Fruit and vegetables contain few calories and lots of fiber.  When asked what you would like to bring, volunteer to bring the fruit and vegetables.  This way you know there will be a healthy option to choose from.  When you have the munchies grab a fruit or veggie to fill your stomach, keep nutrients high, and calories low.

Use smaller plates.  If you fill a 6 inch plate or a 12 inch plate you will feel like you are getting plenty of food.  The difference is, with the 6 inch plate, you will be getting fewer calories while still feeling satisfied.  You can still try all foods, but instead of having 1/4 cup of all items, you will get a bite or two of all foods.

Drink lots of water.  Don’t drink your calories.  Water can fill us up and keep our calories low.  It will also help keep you hydrated throughout the day.  Both pop and alcohol have lots of empty calories.  One 12 ounce can of pop has about 140 calories, one 12 ounce beer has around 145 calories, and a 12 ounce margarita has around 550 calories.  If you are going to choose alcohol, a light beer could be a good choice, such as Budweiser Select 55.  With only 55 calories it won’t put your calories over the top.

Try exercising before the party.  Exercise will help you feel better and burn some calories. Even just walking for 3 miles will burn around 267 calories (based on a 156 pound person).

Enjoy your Super Bowl party.  It’s only one day, but above are some great tips to keep calories in check while still having fun.

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